We’re looking for highly motivated scientists at all levels of training to join our research group! Providing mentorship and opportunities for our trainees is a top priority. We support trainees' pursuit for a variety of career options.
Science thrives with diverse perspectives and approaches. Everyone is welcome in the Chan lab, regardless of their race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or abilities.
Interested individuals should email Dr. C. Savio Chan (saviochan[at]gmail[plus]web[dot]com).
Applicants must have a PhD in neuroscience or related fields. Prior experience performing electrophysiology, optical imaging, circuit manipulations, or rodent behavior analysis is required. Ability to work independently as well as cooperatively in a team working on multiple projects will be essential. Salary will be commensurate with level of experience. Interested individuals should send a research statement, a CV, and names/contacts for three references by e-mail to Dr. Chan.
Graduate students
Prospective students should apply to the our Neuroscience graduate program through the Northwestern University. Inspired students who are currently enrolled in the program are encouraged to email Dr. Chan to schedule a rotation in their first or second year. While you are working towards degree, you should expect to receive a stipend. Students are expected to finish their PhD within 5–6 years. Additional information about the program should be directed to our Jena Pitman-Leung (jpl[at]northwestern[dot]edu)
MSTP students
Students who are currently in M1–M2 are encouraged to email Dr. Chan to schedule a 4-week rotation. Students are expected to finish their Ph.D. within 3–5 years.
Further inquiries about our MSTP can contact Assistant Director, Dr. Lindsey Martin (lindsey.martin[at]northwestern[dot]edu)
Undergraduate assistants
We accept students through the Biological Sciences Program and the Neuroscience Program. Interested individuals are expected to commit to multiple years in the lab. During the school year, we expect you to work at least 15 hours per week. During the summer, you are expected to work full time. Past students have joined the lab as a directed study or internship. Preference will be given to freshman and sophomore students. Interested students should email Dr. Chan.
Medical students
AOSC Program a longitudinal 4 year project where the student is expected to publish a first author paper or a thesis like document to graduate. MD students are given eight weeks between M1 and M2 and then another 8–12 weeks during M3–M4.
Students who are interested in broadening their research experience should consider applying for a HHMI Medical Fellowship to pursue research between M2–M3. Interested students should contact Dr. Chan.
High school students
As part of a partnership program with IMSA, we are looking for highly motivated individuals to assist in data analysis. Students who join the lab are expected to work in the lab for at least two full academic years and the summer in between. Past alumnus got into prestigious institutions, such as, Stanford and Johns Hopkins University. Individuals who are interested in joining the lab should contact Dr. Chan and program director Dave DeVol (ddevol[at]imsa[dot]edu).
Lab technicians/manager
Individuals who want to gain research experience before applying to medical/graduate schools are encouraged to apply. Individuals with strong organizational and scientific skills are required. Ability to work independently as well as cooperatively in a team working on multiple projects will be essential. Applicants must have a bachelor degree. Prior experience in a lab is a plus but not a requirement. Salary will be commensurate with level of experience. Interested individual should e-mail a CV and the names and contacts for three references to Dr. Chan. Individuals who can commit to 18–24 months will be given the highest consideration.
Summer interns
Volunteers who want to gain research experience before and during college are encouraged to apply. We hire interns (as temporary worker) who demonstrate a continued interest. Individual should e-mail a CV and the names and contacts for three references to Dr. Chan.
“I will try my best to accommodate everyone’s best interest. If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open”
Safe environment
We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion (or lack thereof). We do not tolerate harassment of team members in any form.
Fellowships & awards
Trainees at all levels are encouraged to seek funding and awards. Crafting grant/fellowship/award application is one of the best times to think about your own science and to learn how to communicate your passion for science. Your success will benefit the lab and more importantly, will promote your personal career.
Past trainees were holders of: T32 Aging Training Grant Trainee, T32 Motor Training Grant Trainee, PDF Postdoctoral Fellow, PDF Summer Research Fellow, Weinberg College Summer Research Grantee, HHMI-PF Medical Fellow, John Nicholson Fellow, SfN Neuroscience Scholar, The National Merit Semifinalist, Regeneron Science Talent Search Semifinalist, United States of America Biology Olympiad Semifinalist
Lab meetings, conferences, & workshops
Everyone is expected to attend our weekly lab meetings, which are held on Mondays. Public speaking is an important skill. Lab meetings are an excellent platform to practice communicating orally. Journal club-style paper discussion enables us to expand our knowledge base and to learn how others tackle scientific questions. Trainees and staff are expected to present their work once a month to become familiar with each others work/challenges and to solicit/give feedback.
Our lab is strongly committed to the future success of every single person in the lab. Trainees are expected to develop an IDP to identify goals/plans.
Attending conferences is an important career investment. It is a way of getting feedback on a project and to network with peers and experts in the field. Postdocs and graduate students should expect to attend 1–2 meeting/workshop per year for career development, networking, and to communicate our work to the larger science community.